We provide our level best support in choosing right products with right specifications according to the client requirements for inquiries because we believe in long term relationship.
Selling products does not end our responsibilities and so we always ensure that everything in your application operates at most efficient way. Nobody knows how to combine people and products to create outstanding productivity better than Dishant. Nowhere is this philosophy more evident than in our parts and servicing solutions that are designed to meet or exceed maintenance requirements to ensure that a business runs like clockwork. After Sales Program helps to ensure that application productivity is improved at every opportunity.
Our customer support team is ready to provide you tele-support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Whenever query does not get resolved through initial process, we do arrange one of our engineers to visit our client place in order to complete our responsibilities.
Prevention is better than cure. Accordingly, industrial electronic equipments due to wear and tear as well as aging process require regular preventive maintenance. This will ensure complete on time through out the span of product life cycle. Before the expiry of warranty we recommend customer to sign AMC. Customer is supposed to contact service coordinator for the same.
This service is chargeable as per the contract signed.
We also offers to buy-back its own supplied equipments. This service gives an additional advantage of fresh warranty along with new state of art technology to customer. The commercial aspect is dependent on the status of the equipment as well as number of years etc.
There will be chargeable pre-audit for submission of offer.
If for any reason the load has increased and customer requires upgradation of the supplied equipment the same can be done.
Even we offers from technology point of view upgradation of equipment like analog to digital conversion etc to extend benefits of new technology to customer.
These are customized chargeable services based on individual cases.